Knight Frank 2018 Wealth Report Released - Miami Luxury Homes
BY Michael Light / On March 31, 2018

Knight Frank Residential, the largest real estate consultancy firm in the world, in connection with its exclusive partner Douglas Elliman Real Estate, the #1 Brokerage in Manhattan and Miami Beach and top luxury firm in the U.S., just released their 2018 Wealth Report, which reflects the global perspective on prime property and investment, including key wealth trends and property hotspots around the world. The Wealth Report examines investment trends covering almost 100 countries and 100+ cities, including what US$1M buys you around the world.

DOWNLOAD : 2018 Knight Frank Wealth Report

Key Takeaways From The 2018 Wealth Report:

  • Did you know the number of people with $50m+ in net assets increased by 10% in 2017, taking the total to 129,730 individuals globally?
  • 2017 saw the most expensive painting ever sold with Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi going for $450 million, smashing the previous world record set by Picasso’s $179 million Women of Algiers in 2015.
  • Did you know New York leads all global cities in households earning $250k+ per year, with more than 1,167,000 counted. Los Angeles comes in 2nd place with 637,000.
  • New York tops the overall ranking in our City Wealth Index – with London coming in close 2nd for investment and future rankings.
  • In Aspen, the residential prime property market – recognized as the top 5% of the market by price – recorded the 3rd largest increase worldwide in 2017, with a 19% year-over-year growth.
  • Did you know values in Miami’s Prime Property Market increased 2.2% in 2017? See how Miami fared compared to other major cities in The Wealth Report.
  • Did you know that Miami is the top city in the U.S. to buy luxury real estate, based on value proposition? Check out the graph below for a quick look at the relative value that Miami offers compared to other major cities in the U.S. and around the world.
Relative Values | How many square meters of Prime Property US$1M Buys Across the World

Relative Values | How many square meters of Prime Property US$1M Buys Across the World

DOWNLOAD : 2018 Knight Frank Wealth Report

If you, or someone you know, are interested in the local real estate market in Miami and Miami Beach, please contact Michael Light, Founder/Owner of the Miami Luxury Homes Group at Douglas Elliman. You may reach Michael directly at his office at (305) 350-9842, on his cell phone at (786) 566-1700 or via email at


Learn more about The Light Group

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